

Assistant Academic Director, 海洋与环境学院


Bachelor of Science with a major in 可持续发展与商业


The 可持续发展与商业 program considers and applies environmental, 社会, and financial concerns to create a more sustainable world. 你获得了知识, 经验, and ethical grounding to play a leadership role within a 公共 or private company, 非营利组织, 或者一个企业家.


  • Prepares you for ethically and 社会ly responsible roles in sustainability and business professions and society.
  • 培养你的识别能力, 分析, and solve problems with an awareness and appreciation of human connections with the rest of nature.
  • 帮助你实现个人和职业目标.
  • Prepares you for entry-level positions in either the private or 公共 sector and/or to prepares you for coursework at the graduate level.


B.S. with a major in 可持续发展与商业 is offered jointly by 环境al Studies and Business programs within the 大学 of Arts and Sciences. It is designed to be interdisciplinary and to offer students numerous opportunities for collaboration and experiential learning, and for applying their skills in real-world settings. The first-year 经验 includes an opportunity to participate in the Blue Green Learning Community.


BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Ecology/Evolution w/Lab满足核心要求的学分
BUAC 201 -财务会计3
BUEC 104/105 or BUEC 106 -经济背景满足核心要求的学分
BUEC 204 -微观经济学3
BUEC 390 -环境经济学3
bum200 -管理3
BUMK 200 -市场营销3
ENV 100/101 or ENV 104 -环境问题概论满足核心要求的学分
ENV 208 – Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, Solutions满足核心要求的学分
ENV 250 – Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective3
ENV 295 -实习 or bumg295 -实习3
ENV 344 -环境伦理 or 商业和社会关系3
ENV 495 -高级实习 or bumg495a -高级实习3–12
ENV 499 -高级顶点石3
点燃了121/122 or 文学124 -文学,自然 & 环境满足核心要求的学分
MAT 151 -环境科学统计满足核心要求的学分
Two (2) 环境研究选修课 (see below)6
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)变量


ENV 204 -城市林业3
ENV 309 – Sustainability and Ecological Restoration3
ENV 313 – Wetland Restoration: Science and Policy3
ENV 316/316L – Land Conservation Practicum w/Lab4
ENV 321 – Environmental Communication: Expert Practices for Ecosystem Management3
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife and Human Health3
ENV 340 – Environmental Movements and Social Change3
ENV 341 – Indigenous Ecology, Conservation Biology, and the Politics of Knowledge3
ENV 348 -环境、健康 & 东非的社区发展4
ENV 357 – Sustaining Water: Social and Global Perspectives3
maf200 -海洋污染概论3
MAF 210 -介绍美国海洋治理3
MAR 316 -社会科学3
BUEC 395 -生态经济学3
bumg303 -非营利组织的管理3
bumg307 -运营管理3
BUMG 312 -创业/Sm巴士管理3
bumg315 -三重底线报告3
BUMG 410 – Creating Social Enterprises through Design Thinking & 创新4
OBI 350 – Outdoor Entrepreneurship (Makerspace) (formerly ORM 250)3


  • Students may choose to tailor the last two (2) years of course selections to their specific interests. 例如, in close consultation with their Academic Advisor, they may select upper-level business and environmental studies electives that would result in an informal concentration in one (1) or more areas including Non-Profit Sector, 企业/公共部门的可持续性, 中小企业/创业.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to participate in study abroad. Academic advisors will help tailor a student’s program to create opportunities for study abroad.

本专业的学生可以参加 学前健康研究生院准备课程.


The 可持续发展与商业 learning outcomes are as follows:

  1. Know fundamental principles of business and ecology and apply these to sustainability initiatives within private, 公共, 和/或民间组织/企业.
  2. 融入环境, 社会, and economic aspects of sustainability and apply that integration to solve concrete challenges.
  3. 识别和衡量经济, 社会, and environmental risks and rewards (triple bottom line) of new ventures in sustainability, and compare short-term economic risks and returns with long-term expected benefits.


All entering first-year 可持续发展与商业 Students, 和其他环境专业的学生一起, participate in a year-long learning community focused on the fundamental themes of environmental studies. 蓝绿学习型社区 integrates courses as follows: four (4) credits of biology, three (3) credits of literature (or an appropriate substitute), 经济学三(3)学分, and three (3) credits of environmental issues for a total of thirteen (13) credits over two (2) semesters. This interdisciplinary approach enables students to understand more clearly the complexity of environmental issues and at the same time improve skills in critical thinking, 写作, 口头交流, 研究, 还有电脑的使用. 体验式学习活动是核心.


Internships provide students with an opportunity to practice learned skills in an actual work environment with the guidance of the 大学 of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Internship Coordinator, who helps students match their interests with a work 经验 that might take place locally, 区域, 在全国范围内, 或在国际上. Internships provide career exploration and can help establish professional networks that lead to career opportunities upon graduation. The particularly applied focus of the 可持续发展与商业 majors requires students to do two (2) internships during their four (4)-year undergraduate degree. The interdisciplinary nature of the 可持续发展与商业 major is reflected in the wide variety of careers open to graduates in the non-profit, 企业, 公共部门. Employment opportunities include Corporate or Municipal Sustainability Officer, 环保业务经理, 社区经济发展经理, 环境事务主任, 绿色企业家, 可持续发展项目开发者.


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随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.